Raptors Conservation Action is a conservation project to determine and eliminate the threats against the raptor species and treat and rehabilitate any raptor victims in Central Anatolia of Turkey supported by the Rufford Small Grants.
Raptors Conservation Action is a conservation project to determine and eliminate the threats against the raptor species and treat and rehabilitate any raptor victims in Central Anatolia of Turkey supported by the Rufford Small Grants. The first round of the project was carried out between 2017-2018 in Ankara, Eskişehir and Bolu provinces in Turkey. The second round had been started in April 2021 in Ankara, Çankırı and Kastamonu provinces with an objective to understand the impact of car hits against raptors on intercity roads. The project is financially supported by Rufford Small Grants and carried out in coordination with the Association of Biodiversity Studies.

The roots of Raptors Conservation Action date back to mid-2016, while the team members’ voluntary efforts in a bird ringing camp. According to personal observations of expert wildlife vet Onur Okur during his academic study, the number of injured raptor cases passed over a hundred individuals per year.

Act II is the follow-up project of the Raptors Conservation Action. The project aims to determine the hotspots in the intercity road between Ankara and Kastamonu provinces (Central Anatolia, TURKEY) to prevent roadkills of raptors with road survey and citizen science methods.